Saturday, July 4, 2015

PST Pictures

I apologize for slacking on uploading pictures. I’ll admit I’m really lazy and hate waiting for them to upload on the slow wifi.

Here are a few pictures from the first 4 weeks of PST:

My host sister Emmy and my host nephew Estion (wearing my Chacos)

My host niece Natrine looking at some of the awesome notes my friends and family wrote me (she loved the design of yours, Pam!!)

Emmy, Estion, and I hanging out in my room after church

The itsy bitsy gato I found on our front porch when I came home from PST one day!

Swollen hands 

Some M81s and I at Cocos before 4th of July celebrations in Kolonia. From L to R: Laurel, Dana, Lorena, Marisa, me, and Sana.

Puppy Pancake and I!

Dana and I during our Water Safety Day
I was a prune by the end of the day, but loved every second of it!

Some M81s and I at the waterfall by PATS during our first weekend of PSTs

1 comment:

  1. That is probably the most adorable and photogenic puppy I've ever seen...
