Saturday, August 8, 2015


“Belinda, where do people have sex here? There’s never any privacy!” we asked one day in Mortlockese class.
“What?! There’s always privacy in the bushes!” Belinda exclaimed.
We erupted in laughter, not expecting that answer, but realizing how right she was.

because coconut wireless isn't enough...
Belinda is our Mortlockese Language and Culture Facilitator (aka teacher) who probably thinks that the 6 of us getting ready to move to the Mortlocks are weird Americans. And I don’t blame her.

At the beginning of language class every day, we walk in, exchange “Ranallem, ia usumw?” and proceed to talk about anything and everything that’s on our minds. Usually it has to do with training or Model School complaints, but other times it’s totally and completely random. Belinda will just sit there in her seia (chair) for the first 15-20 minutes, listening to us. In no way is she being chipwanglech (lazy) or not doing her job. 4 hours of language class is just too long, and even she knows that, so she gives us time to ramble, and then turns our attention to learning Mortlockese.

After about an hour of reviewing and introducing new information, Belinda will either tell us to take asese (a break; where we usually lay on the floor for 30 minutes), or she’ll let us get off topic again and speak in English.

We alternate between learning, taking asese, and getting off topic about every hour, and while it may seem like a huge waste of time, it’s not. I greatly appreciate the routine and atmosphere she has created. It’s comfortable. It’s funny. It can be serious when it needs to be. But the most important part is that we’re learning.

We’re learning not only the language, but also about the culture.

Belinda does a great job of answering any random questions we may have (like where do people have sex?). And believe me, we have a lot of them.

We’ve asked her (in relation to the Mortlocks) about gender roles, the lack of toilets and toilet paper, what women do during their periods, how bisexuality and homosexuality are viewed, and what to do for fun on specific islands, amongst many other things.

She’s been able to provide great insight, especially since she is originally from the Mortlocks, and does not sugar-coat the realities we will be facing…like walking on our knees when we have to pass through a group of talking men. No joke.

I can’t stop raving about Belinda. She a beautiful, smart, sassy 30-year old raising 3 children. She wears awesome mumus and has even better facial expressions. She comes to class and sometimes complains about being out too late playing bingo and drinking sakau. She speaks great English and is interested in our views about the US and the world. She teaches us relevant vocabulary and grammar. She makes up fun games to enhance our learning. She’s honest. She’s kind. She’s patient. She’s a great human being. And I couldn’t be doing this without her.

Killisou Belinda,

 Kaylin, Me, Sarah, Belinda, Dana, Lisa, and David

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